What is an independent watchdog organization?
A "watchdog" is an individual or group that monitors the activities of entities (such as individuals, corporations, non-profit groups, or government organizations) on behalf of the public to ensure that these entities do not behave illegally, unethically, or immorally
How are you funded?
The SPIRIT Initiative only accepts donations from local residents just like you — no advertisers, lobbyists, PACs or other special interests.
We ARE Marylanders, Funded BY Marylanders, Working FOR Marylanders, TO better Maryland
What is your political history or resume?
We are a non-partisan, fully independent organization made up solely of volunteers; dedicated Maryland residents from your towns & neighborhoods, who demand to see real, immediate change AND transparency from the elected & appointed representatives of our local, state, & federal governments
We strive to provide the most accurate & up to date information on each candidate both holding & seeking to hold public office; because every Maryland resident deserves an honest opportunity to make the most informed political decisions for themselves, their families, & their communities
Why do you do what you do?
Because getting informed & getting involved should be accessible.
The volunteers at TSI work around the clock to provide all Marylanders ease of access to increasingly crucial, yet highly underpublicized information about local political organizations & institutions, as well as the most up-to-date & comprehensive database of individuals both running for & currently serving in public office
How can I get involved?
Donate. Volunteer. Vote.
Start conversations & Listen to other perspectives.
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