What's on the Ballot?
Proposed State Amendments for 2022
Marijuana Legalization Amendment
Amends the Maryland Constitution to legalize adult-use recreational marijuana
As well as, direct the legislature to pass law for the use, distribution, regulation, & taxation of marijuana
Residency Requirements for State Legislators Amendment
Amends the Maryland Constitution to require that state legislators reside & maintain
A place of abode in the district in which they wish to represent for six months prior to the date of election
Renaming of the Courts of Appeals & Special Appeals Amendment
Renames the Maryland Court of Appeals to the Supreme Court of Maryland
the Maryland Court of Special Appeals to the Appellate Court of Maryland
Civil Jury Trials Amendment
Amends the Maryland Constitution to increase the amount in controversy in civil proceedings
in which the right to a jury trial may be limited by legislation from $15,000 to $25,000
Requiring Howard County Circuit Court Judges to Serve on Orphan Court Amendment
Requires Howard County Circuit Court judges to serve on the Orphans' Court
Primary Election: July 19, 2022
General Election: November 8, 2022